
In addition to our own dynamite engineering team, our software is built using great software built by others. We acknowledge their contribution here. Thank you.

Android NDK/SDKAndroid Software Development Kit License
antlrPublic Domain
aopalliancePublic Domain
Apache Commons CodecApache License 2.0
Apache Commons LangApache License 2.0
ArtifactoryLGPL v3
backport-util-concurrentPublic Domain
BoostBoost Software License
bson-erlangApache License 2.0
cglibApache License 2.0
CodeNarcApache License 2.0
commons-httpclientApache License 2.0
DropKickPublic Domain
EclipseEclipse Public License (Free)
ErlangErlang Public License v1.1 (Free)
Erlang-rfc4627Unspecified (Free)
ExplorerCanvasApache License 2.0
Fusion ChartsCommercial (Paid)
FusionChartsCommercial (Paid)
Gentoo LinuxGPL
google-urlNew BSD
GradleApache License 2.0
GrailsApache License 2.0
Grails Cache HeadersApache License 2.0
Grails Cached ResourcesApache License 2.0
Grails jQueryApache License 2.0
Grails ResourcesApache License 2.0
Grails Spring Security CoreApache License 2.0
Grails Test Code Coverage???
Grails TomcatApache License 2.0
Grails Zipped ResourcesApache License v2.0
Grails: Eclipse Scripts???
GroovyApache License 2.0
gtest (Google Test)BSD
HandlebarsPublic Domain
HibernateLGPL v2.1
ICUICU license
ICU4JOpen Source License (Free)
InnoInno Setup License (Free)
JacksonApache License 2.0
JavaMailOracle Binary Code License
javax.activationCDDL v1.0
JcropMIT License (Free)
JenkinsMIT License (Free)
jMockPublic Domain
Joda-TimeApache License 2.0
JoptOpen Source
jQueryMIT License (Free)
jQuery inputToButtonMIT License (Free)
jQueryTemplatesPublic Domain
libpnglibpng License (Free)
Lilith logback appenderLGPL/GPLv3
Log4erlMPL v1.1
LogbackEPL v1.0/LGPL v2.1
Maven-publisherApache License 2.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Runtime RedistributableN/A
Microsoft Visual C++ 2011 Runtime RedistributableN/A
Microsoft Visual Studio C++MSDN (Paid)
MochiWebMIT License (Free)
mongodb-erlangApache License 2.0
Mozilla / FennecMPL
OpenSSLApache License 1.0/BSD
PeityPublic Domain
PHP 5PHP License
PostgreSQLPostgreSQL License (Free)
Quartz SchedulerApache License 2.0
RabbitMQMPL 1.1
RabbitMQ Java ClientMPL v1.1
ReportNGApache License 2.0
Saxon-HEMPL v1.0
SLF4jMIT License (Free)
Spring FrameworkApache License 2.0
SQLite 3sqlite
TestNGApache License 2.0
ThymeleafApache License 2.0
Ubuntu LinuxGPL
Valums file uploaderNo License
Velocity Template EngineApache License 2.0
VMWareCommercial (Paid)
wxWidgets/wxWinwxWindows License (Free)
XfirePublic Domain

Site Colophon

Our website is built using the Zend Framework for PHP and the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library. The forums are based on the Vanilla forum and the knowledge base is based on PHPMyFAQ.

We acknowledge with gratitude the icons we've used from the GNOME (GPL), Tango (public domain), and gnome-colors (GPL) projects. Additionally, we're using the Vector Social Media Icons provided by IconDock.