Website Blocker
Available for:
Windows Mac iOS
Net Nanny® is the most effective and best website blocker available for families.
With Net Nanny’s website blocking software, you can keep your family’s online experience safe and tailor individual settings to block websites and block categories of web content based on each of your family member’s needs. Net Nanny® allows for specific websites to be blocked or allowed, based on the settings you choose, so parents can freely surf the Internet, while knowing that children have age-appropriate safeguards in place.
Net Nanny’s website blocker is proven to keep out unwanted content and block pornography with the best Internet filter available in the market today. You can feel confident that our parental control software is secure and that you have the ability to tailor the range of settings to fit the diverse needs of each member of your family to keep them safe while they use their devices online.
Why You Should Block Websites
With thousands of new websites created every day, it’s overwhelming to keep track of which ones are safe for kids to access. Many families turn to blacklists, or lists of unsafe or mature websites, to keep their children’s Internet experiences safe. Blacklist filtering is the oldest and still most common form of website blocking today. With a blacklist, when a user attempts to go to a website, the URL for that website is compared to a known list of inappropriate sites. If the website is on the list, that site is blocked.
However, blacklists are not able to be updated as quickly as new unsafe websites are created or account for user-generated content that frequently changes. If your family is relying on outdated blacklists to keep your kids safe online, there is a high chance of exposure to adult content, pornography or dangerous websites. In this case, blacklists are prone to under-blocking, since their list of websites is likely out of date and can’t keep up with user-generated content. However, blacklists can also over-block by prohibiting access to entire websites, when singular pages on the website may be perfectly safe.
Unlike most Internet filters that block entire websites, the award-winning Net Nanny® web filtering technology analyzes every webpage your child visits, plus content in certain apps. Our content filter then instantly determines if the content on that webpage is safe for your child to view, based on the category guidelines and website restrictions that you pre-determine.
Because Net Nanny® relies on real-time Internet filtering, your family is safer from inappropriate or unwanted websites. Parents using Net Nanny® still have the option of blocking websites individually and can tailor lists of allowed and blocked websites for each user on their account. Additionally, parents can choose from 14 different categories to allow, alert or block for their child.

How Net Nanny® Website Blocking Works
Net Nanny’s state-of-the-art web filtering technology scans websites for inappropriate content in real-time. Unlike other software, Net Nanny® doesn’t use cookie cutter website block lists – instead, our Internet filtering and website blocking software scans the content on each webpage and blocks it based on the categories that you choose to filter.
Net Nanny® parental control software scans websites as you’re surfing, in real-time, blocking websites that contain material you’ve flagged in the settings. With our parent controls, you can rest assured that you have the power of the best Internet filter and website blocker protecting your family.
Net Nanny’s Internet filter and website blocker utilizes artificial intelligence-based natural language filtering, which is not only able to detect specific keywords on a webpage but can also determine the context of that word relative to the content on the page. For instance, if the word “breast” is detected on a webpage, Net Nanny® will scan the rest of the page to determine if this word is used in the context of cooking (i.e. chicken breast) or an inappropriate context, and block accordingly. With over two decades of experience, the Net Nanny® filter is unsurpassed in its capabilities.
To see how Net Nanny’s website blocker works, watch this video:
Additionally, with Net Nanny’s website blocker, you can:
- Filter the Internet
- Block mature or inappropriate websites
- Block pornography
- Block websites based on 14 categories of the most questionable and concerning content types: Abortion, Adult Novelty, Anime, Death/Gore, Drugs, Gambling, Mature Content, Nudity, Pornography, Provocative, Strip Cubs, Suicide, Tobacco, Weapons
- Add approved websites to a list for each user
- Receive alerts and reporting of websites attempted to be accessed
- View history of alerted or blocked websites in the Net Nanny® Family Feed
Why Net Nanny’s Website Blocker Helps Parent
Net Nanny’s superior Internet filtering technology and adult website blocker is the perfect tool for analyzing today’s Internet, which is dominated by constantly changing content. Net Nanny® is the best solution to protect your child – at home or at school, on apps or on websites – so you can have peace of mind.
You can feel comfortable knowing that you have control over your child’s digital experience and visibility to their online browsing, with the strongest web blocker to protect your family. Now, you can be worry-free when your child is accessing the Internet unsupervised because our parental controls are keeping them safe from inappropriate websites.
“The service has been very effective at blocking what we don’t want to see and allowing what is okay.” – Mike K.
By allowing your kids to access the Internet safely, you can encourage them to learn, have access to their online homework and research, fun and interesting topics with safeguards in place to protect them. With Net Nanny®, parents can trust that our top-rated Internet filter will block websites on Computers, Tablets, Laptops and, iPhones to keep your family’s web browsing as safe as possible.
Protect your children instantly from adult content and pornography with the best website blocker available.