Internet & Porn Accountability with Net Nanny's Password Manager Service

man with laptop

Net Nanny's Password Manager Service Helps Keep You Accountable.

Porn blockers are not just for kids. Yes, many adults use Net Nanny to protect them -- from themselves -- giving new meaning to the phrase "parental controls."

We know this because the median age of a Net Nanny user is 24 years old. That means many adults use Net Nanny as accountability software to keep themselves from intentionally finding inappropriate web content. And there are those that use Net Nanny to avoid accidentally discovering illicit content.

The challenge is that when Net Nanny is installed, a password must be chosen to manage the account. But, if you know the password, you can bypass all warnings and go to any web site, making internet and porn accountability difficult for some users. For this reason, it is ideal to have someone else hold your password. However, sometimes there is no someone else in whom you wish to confide.

The Password Manager service from Net Nanny provides an accountability partner for any Net Nanny user who wishes to have someone else manage their password and settings. Customers can email anytime during regular business hours to have someone else make those settings or account changes. In fact, customers with this service will find their account password is automatically scrambled each day. The chances of circumventing the software are almost impossible.

If you find yourself in need of an accountability partner and don't have someone else to assist, let Net Nanny help.

Currently, this service applies to Net Nanny for Windows, Mac, and Android customers.


  • Unlimited email access is $29.99 per year

Customer Service Reps are available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT.

1 Desktop

For PC & Mac



Protect one desktop with all Net Nanny® features.

Windows macOS

5 Devices

Family Protection Pass

For PC, Mac & iOS



$11 per device/year

Protect 5 devices with all Net Nanny® features.

Windows macOS IOS

20 Devices

Family Protection Pass

For PC, Mac & iOS



Less than $5 per device/year

Protect 20 devices with all Net Nanny® features.

Windows macOS IOS